What do all of you think are some of the best and worst colors for mavericks and comets? My favorite factory colors would be the dark and light blues, but non-factory I really think black looks good. Worst I'd say is probably the brownish gold I've got on my 73.
I have a liking for purples and PINK. Actually it depends on what look you want. Restomod I like purples (Jim Larson).
Tastes change Back in 1972, I ordered a new Maverick V-8 from a local dealer. At the time I didn't see any colors :confused: I really liked, so I paid extra an extra $100 for a non-optional color, which was black (with black high back buckets of course). The car still only cost $3200. It looked great with polished American mags on it and air shocks. OK remember it was 1972. But this is 2005 and my '70 is going to be painted blue(s) and silver Behold! a dark horse.
My first Maverick in 1969 was aqua. That was when they had all the funny color names. I don't remember what the aqua was called, but there was thanks vermillion and Freudian Gilt. Does anyone remember any of the other silly names? I really liked the aqua. When I traded it in in 1976 I wanted aqua again, but they didn't have it. I settled for the metalic brown, which I still rather like. I also like the Royal blue, but not baby blue or Grabber blue. I dislike the neon green, white, and black. I bought a 1973 tan 4-door with a dark brown top in 1983. I liked that combination. Now I have a yellow and black 1973 Grabber. I wanted a Red and White 1974, but lost it on eBay. The yellow and black combination is racy looking. As long as we're taling about colors, where can I find matching yellow touch-up paint? Roz
Blue is by far most favorite coloer for a Maverick, but for some reason I keep ending up with red cars. I like red, but I REALLY like blues better. My least favorite would be that cruddy mustard yellow that Ford past off as some shade of tan.
No offense there, Dan. You car actually looks like it's yellow. The color I'm referring to is more of a light tan. It reminds me of a mustard color, but not as yellow. I saw a four door in the junkyard that was painted that color and it just kind of looked blahh.