Hello, I’m sure this question has been asked before, but I’m gonna ask anyways. I’m thinking of buying a complete floor pan for a 67 mustang to install in my 73 comet. They look very similar but is there much difference in the two? I have found some for the comet but is pretty pricey. The complete floor pan for the mustang is way cheaper than the patches for the comet. I’m pretty handy with a torch and a welder so modifying is not much of a big deal. I’m thinking it would be quicker and easier to replace the whole thing rather than patch and I’m thinking it would be stronger and look better as well. Thanks for your input!
If its for the 74 you have. Its not a direct replacement. Mustangs were wider and a bit longer. You can make em work but. You will be slicing and dicing to use em. If you found a source for actual Mav/Comet floor pans...You would be better off with those.
Joey, here is a very old thread (but the pictures are still there) of my 72 when I used the smaller Mustang pans to patch in the bad spots in the floors. You mention a torch. Don't go with the heat. I suggest just using a sawzall and the other tool I found very useful was an air nibbler. Both made clean cuts for the butt welds. Floorboard - Progress PICS | Maverick/Comet Forums - to the forums
Thanks everyone for the tips!! I’m also building a 1971 4 door comet in which I’m about finished with. I crafted 2001 front dodge Dakota seats which with little editing they fit almost perfectly just F.Y.I. If anyone is having trouble finding good seats. They also have a stock console in the middle which will come in handy for a catch all,, lol. I will upload photos.
Just use the mustang pans. I used them and the only difference is that the outer flange is bent downwards. I just flattened it out and bent it upwards. Just used an air saw and cutoff wheels to remove the old floors. They are good quality steel and very well made. Bought mine from CJ Pony Parts. I'll most likely be cutting mine out since my build has taken a drastic turn lol.