does anyone have an idea what a original comet hood scoop is worth, also what are a set of the sport mirrors going for
Depends... ...The scoops were originally designed for Cougars and Mercury Cyclones in 1969. They are sold as reproductions for about $125 so I would say that is the ceiling unless the quality of the repops is bad. Seth
Comet GT hood scoops have two set of holes for the studs. Not all hoods are drilled for the same set of holes. If you are using a GT hood with the holes drilled you may have to remove the studs very carefully and move them to the other holes.
Couple of factory scoops on Ebay right now. Here is a picture of the bolts on an aftermarket scoop. I think it was from Chuck at the Maverick Connection.
As stated above. I heard that the holes are in the wrong place. Heard it from several people, and they've wanted to buy my factory scoop also. Not sure what they are worth however
LOL to directly answer the original question: I've seen the scoops (in good condition) going for around $100. Ebay has shown a few that went for right at that and some that have gone for as much as $150ish dollars. Sport mirrors are going for around $35 to $50 each--again, depending on condition. Now these are Ebay prices. I can't say that you couldn't get them cheaper at the salvage yard (if buying is your aim) providing you can find them.