Comet Show

Discussion in 'New Members Forum' started by billadams100, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. billadams100

    billadams100 New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    Hello, everybody. This is to let Comet owners know of an AACA show Aug. 20-22 in Franklin, KY. That is about 45 miles north of Nashville. This is the 42nd annual event put on by the Southern Kentucky Region AACA. They have invited Comet East Club to be the featured club/car at this year's show. They are excited to have Comets be the featured car and are giving Comets much deserved publicity in the local media. Folks, we need to have as many Comets there as possible and especially 1970's models. Friday evening there is a cruise-in on the Court House Square with entertainment, etc. and the show is Sat. Please come join us for a weekend of family fun. I have hotel and travel details. Contact me for information. Bill Adams 803-799-5273 or

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