Well .... that only took three minutes. Ding! ... we have a winner! Now, here is the funny part ... this is a Grabber hood that I passed on at this very same salvage yard about 5 years ago, because it was far too rough. I did grab the scoops out of it, hence the sheetmetal patchs. What you can't see in the picture is the two inches of filler globbed on the leading edge from underneath. There also is rust-throughs right next to one scoop hole. A board member did get the scoops a while back. I did grab all the goodies that I could off of this in a couple trips ... nice lower dash, a very straight, but crusty rear bumper, Mercury dog dishes, and a lot of other assorted stuff. Missed the motor and trans mounts ....
I'm pretty sure the grill's not supposed to look like that. The radiator is missing and I don't think that fan is original. I also don't think you should hold a car up with a wheel sitting on another wheel but I could be wrong.
Mine had alot of rust as well. Can you still get Grabber hoods in fiberglass? Saw one years ago for $375.
Welded wheels are car stands at this yard. Bigger vehicles get 4 but they only put three under this one. Two on the sides and one at the back. Neat thing ... where the two side stands are placed, I could grab the back bumper with one hand and pick the back end of the car up off the stand! Maybe only a 20-30 lb curl. .... shows how truly nose-heavy these cars are.
The previous owner was probably trying to make the Comet grille match the Grabber hood better .... with a hammer.
i could use the grill filler piece its better than the one i have now. thats too bad about that grabber hood. so it cant be saved?