I just purchased a factory consolette from another forum member, but the clock and/or block off plate is missing. Does anyone know the part numbers for either of these items or better yet, have an extra they would like to sell? My prefence would be for the cover plate with the Maverick symbol, but either would work better than an empty hole. If I least had a part number, I could contact a few of the NOS dealers I know to see if I might get lucky and find one. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I had one like that for one of my old Mavericks (missing the clock or plate) and I made a block off plate by cutting the horns off of an old fender emblem and mounting it on a piece of metal then I painted it black. It actually looked ok. I had thought about mounting an aftermarket clock in a plate but never did. But I'm guessing you might be wanting it all original....just throwing some food for thought out.
from what i learned here, the part no for the clock crosses over to the pinto. there was an ebay auction for an nos one, went up to $80. i missed it, unfortunately.
Thanks for the idea. I would like to try to find an original cover or clock first before I fabricate something to fill the hole. If I have no luck tracking one down, I will take your advice and make up something to mount in the spot.
The part number for the block off plate on a Maverick consolette to replace the clock is D0DZ6204428A. I have been looking for one with no luck. Bob
Now, If someone had the skills, they could make you a nice billet block off plate with the steer horns. I wonder if it would work to remove the clock from a 71-73 Mustang console as well. Sorry if I wondered a bit. - Matt
pinto consolette ! I have one of pinto with clock,,,the casing have a brokend legs,, but in good shape, I want 75.00 plus shipping,,,, if any need that,,,can send picture and shipping estimate,,,,
Thanks for the pics. Is there any way you could post the part number listed on the back of the clock?
according to the ford master parts catalog, it should read D0DZ-15000-A. valid for both maverick and pinto...
Consolettes Just for general info - I've got a 70 Maverick Consolette ( DO )and also a 71( D1 ). The bases of these consoles are different as to the shape at the bottonm where they mount to the console . Anyone else notice this ? I think it is because the Tunnel in the 70 is narrower. Can do photos if anyone is interested.