Anybody have a drawer full of these. Its the brass adapter to go from 5/16" tubing to the trans case. One of my two originals broke when swapping out the 6cyl. If anyone knows where I can find one,or something similar, let me know. Thanks.
ive got a pile of c4's with them still on there. if ur not in a hurry, i could ship you one on monday
ya dave. go guy. If that doesn't work, try a local tranny shop. I have been lucky and have found a few that way. Now I have more than the tranny shops do.
That would be great. I've been working on this Maverick for 10 years, I'm sure I can wait a few more days for that. Can I pay u thru paypal or send u a check or something? Or are there any parts u need i may be able to help u with? Just let me know, u can pm me.:Handshake