This is off the tag on my 4spd toploader. I want to find out what year and model it came on so I can buy one of those master rebuild kits. I cant seem to find any info on it. RUG DF DA 23 EODRAA O11O
here's a couple of sights to help you out
What a coincedence, those are the same sights Iooked at before. Neither of them list an RUG DF. What does that mean?
I'm not 100% sure here but with the E0 didgets I'd asume that it is actually a 3 speed OD they look the same as the toploader......but that may be why you are not finding the info you are looking for......
If it is an aluminum cased trans it is a late 70 early 80s and won't take any beating. I had one once and sold it. They fool a lot of people, being a top loader.
I am so pissed! it is an alluminum case too. I piad $150 for this thing last year. now what am I going to do with it?
I bought one of those at a junk yard once with the cast iron case. Thought I scored the deal of the century getting a toploader for $50. Oh well, turned out to be a $50 lesson. They also have a weird bolt pattern on the tail shaft for the shifter. I was going to stick it behind my 6 cyl but I couldnt find a shifter. I threw mine away.
The guy who sold it to me owns the race track outside of town. He told me he was going to put it in a racecar but he'd sell it to me instead. What a crock! I hate bieng ripped off or looked down upon just because I'm young. Oh well, I guess another lesson learned. If you want this one I'll practically give it away. it has the shifter too.