will trash from the gas tank and lines ruin a mechanical fuel pump.i foun dout i have trash all in my see thru filter and now the pump isnt pumping even when u ran the fuel line threw my gas can.YThe trash is black flakes im assuming is rust from the tank.
The black flakes could be from the tank, but most likely that is deteriorated fuel line. And if your fuel lines are that bad, you should replace you fuel pump anyway. You may have a blockage before the fuel pump, check for that by blowing air threw the lines.
that makes sense because i just replaced the rubber line at the tank and the piece thats right under the driver floorboard ,the 2nd one i mentioned was in bad shape so if there is some of this rubber in the lines should i just keep a check on my filter and replace it until i stop seeing any debris in the filter or what do u guys suggest.i bought a new pump and filter and i dont wanna ruin another pump and i for sure dont want it to reach the holley carb
Yes. It has an internal check valve that only allows liquid to flow in one direction that trash can stick open.
i went out today and pulled the filter off so i could get a better look at the trash and with a closer look i looks more like rust .so im thinking i need to take the tank and see how bad the rust is.BAck last fall i took the fill tube out and shined a light in the tank from what i could see it looked very clean but maybe up toward the front near the sending unit might be rusty.
The rust almost always will be above the fuel line if the car sat with some fuel in it for any length of time. It flakes off the surface and ends up at the pick up. If your pick up filter is torn, anything on the bottom will make its way to the fuel pump and filter. NAPA sells the pickup screen in the 2 common sizes. I believe ours is 3/8". If you replace it, look up inside the tank with a flashlight and inspection mirror through the sender hole, and you should be able to see if the rust is excessive. If it's just collected near the pickup, you usually can rinse most of it out with brake clean and the car tilted to the left side. Keep in mind that if the tank is rusted, the lines may be in the same shape. If you can't get a seal for the sender assembly, one from a 87-93 Mustang fuel pump or sending unit will work. Hope this helps ya!
you'll have to make them. I would try flushing them 1st, but even before that, you need to make sure you're not just filling the lines up with junk from the tank. If there is a lot of rust or sediment in the tank, you should be able to take one of the hoses loose and let the fuel run into a clean bucket through a coffee filter. Make sure you have the hose loose from the engine side so you can clamp it off and stop the flow without making a huge mess. Don't leave gas open in the bucket though... fire hazard! That's probably obvious but had to say it!