This might be easy and fun lol. Used dad's new filter wrench and crunched my oil filter. when I spun it off the threaded stud came out with it and is stuck in the filter. Ideas? Can I screw that stud back in or am I fudged bigtime?
you can just spin the threaded spindle back in. it is no big deal if it came loose, just make sure it is tight when you put on a new filter and start it. I work at jiffy lube and every now and then a spindle comes loose, we just tighten them back up and put on a new filter.
AWESOME! I just finished telling someone that if I killed my engine doing an oil change I was just gonna set the car aflame at that point. Thanks!
Test drove it and I still have a filter - worries me alil that it came out so easy... next change I might put some thread tape on it. or not if it will burn up in the engine. hmm.... never really wanted to put this much thought into an oil filter haha
Dont put teflon tape on it...You dont want bits of that stuff circulating through your oiling system. Cinch the threded spindle down good and leave it alone.
You can coat the threads with Loc-tite 518 and then screw it in and it won't come out until you take it out.