I am currently reproducing the hard to find D0OB battery heatshield,this fits 70-71 torino,cyclone 70-73 mustang,cougar,most often with 351c and larger or performance engines. This is typical with other ford battery heatshields in that is is molded in plastic but is unique as to dimensions,battery position, ect. from other heatshields. They almost all meet their fate upon the first battery change,getting tossed in the trash making them a prized part among concourse restorations My question to the maverick/comet community is " was this part ever used on this car line?" I thought that I seen something on here that referenced it being so? I do not know but would like your input. thanks Larry H
Hi Larry, These cars didn't have that from the factory that I have seen. It was just the battery mounted to the tray - no shield like the Mustang used for some engines.
I'm no expert on this subject but I do see D4DZ 10A682-A listed as "SHIELD (BATTERY HEAT)" in the 73-79 Ford Master Parts catalog for the 74-77 Maverick with 302. The 65-73 catalog doesn't list this for a Maverick. The 65-72 Lincoln-Mercury catalog list a DOVY 10A682-A (plastic) and 73-79 list the D5VY 1OA682-A (plastic - 2 sides). As you know...sometimes the only difference in the part is the part number and sometimes the part is a different animal. Thanks for stepping up to the plate making a new part for the car hobby.
Jeff I wonder if it was in the master catalog to allow dealers to add it if they had a customer with heat issues. As I posted earlier - never seen one on a factory car and I don't remember ever seeing one back in the day when I worked on these cars daily.
I am familiar with the D4DB shield it is almost a direct match for the D0OB only it is about 3/8 shorter,I believe this is because the motorcraft battery was different dimension than the autolite but that is a assumption. The D4DB shield has been used for a long time in substitution for the D0OB, believe it was found in granada's and monarch's
I seem to recall only ever seeing ONE on a car, as I still have it. I feel pretty confident that a Maverick had one.
Photos of the one for the 74-77 Maverick (with 302 according to the Ford Parts Manual) http://mmb.maverick.to/media/battery-shield.14881/ http://mmb.maverick.to/media/battery-shield.14882/ http://mmb.maverick.to/media/battery-shield.14883/
Craig,are you saying the one you seen was the D4 or the D0 ? what year was the V-8 first available for the maverick
They just fit around the 2 sides of the battery and stay in place without fasteners. The tray along with the hold down J bolt keep it from falling out.
You would think this would be more common in Southern states, with a warmer climate, but I don't recall ever seeing one back in the day.