Destroyed wheel bearing

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by POMAKLE, Mar 28, 2016.


    POMAKLE Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Jalisco, Mexico
    Maverick 71'
    Just want it to share my story with you guys!

    Last weekend I was on my way to home when I suddenly heard something scrapping, I immediately knew it was a front disc brake. It was kind of scary 'cause I was doing 50 mph, so I stopped the car and looked everywhere, everything seemed fine. So I continued my way home when the real scary part began, NO BRAKES! Obviously I was like 5 mph so nothing happened.

    I thought I lost a front brake pad because the sound was coming from there. I jacked up the car and started to remove the front left wheel, I've noticed the wheel was kind of loose. I disassembled the caliper, disc and this is what I found.
    20160319_113717.jpg 20160319_113701.jpg 20160319_113726.jpg
    As you can see, the caliper and dust shield had some marks, and obviously the brake had those marks.
    If you look closely, you will see the destroyed inner wheel bearing.
    20160319_113747.jpg The outter was complete.

    On the right side, everything looked fine but I decided to replace everything. I will take pictures of everything fixed later.

    PS. Don't blame on the drilled rotors. A local shop did this with my "authorization".

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