I am wondering what the main differences, between the 1970-1972 Mavericks? What I have noticed from the recent research if that the 70 and 71 Mavericks have no "bumperets'' just one smooth bumper front and back. The 72's in comparison do in fact have the "bumperets." Also, differentiating between a grabber is hood and/or turn signals in the grille or down under in the lower front part of the car? Thanks to anyone for the information, I have recently been intrigued by these vehicles and trying to absorb as much info as possible. -trls250
70's are a unique car on their own, they look the same on the outside, but under the skin there are many differences. Use the search feature, you'll find all the answers you seek.
Bumperets were an option. They may or may not have them. There are actually 3 different interiors for the 72. The early 72s were like the 70-71. Then they added retractable seat belts so the back seat was redesigned for the retract mechanism. A Fasten Seat Belt warning light was added to the dash. Lastly the LDO option gave the 72 the different front door design which was carried over into the rest of the years as standard.
thanks mavaholic, I am currently looking to purchase a 72' Maverick but I like the look of the bumpers without the bumperets. Do you know if the 72' bumpers have endentations where they fit or just holes for the mounting of the bumperets?
they just have the holes for bolting them on, no indentions. alot of people i know (including myself) have often removed them and simply put stainless bumper bolts in the holes. leaves a nice finish and most people wouldnt know the difference
All 70-72 bumpers are the same. I have seen more bumpers without the holes for the bumperetts than with the holes. If you have one with holes, you can always weld the holes shut (or have a shop do it) then have it rechromed. Looks better than an extra set of bumper bolts sticking out.