My speedo and gas guages are much dimmer than the gear selector. Anybody else have this experience who can offer advise?
when i did the 2825 bulb swap i also painted the inside of the cluster with " chrome paint " ...frank...
So what you guys are saying is that the clusters were never too bright, even when they left the factory?? If that is the case I will stop worrying about a wiring/current problem. I will also give the new type bulbs a try. Thanks!
b.j., i think the 194s are 3 watts and the 2825s are 5 watts. with the old wiring the 3s were a little dim. if you do the paint take the clear front and polish it with some " close up " tooth paste (inside and out). ...frank...
m. mav. sorry, it is the " red gel ". i take a wet rag and lay the lens on it and put the gel on a wet terrycloth rag. keep the rag damp. i had one that was frosted . i took some 2000 grit sandpaper and wet sanded it . then polished it out. remember, you are bonding with your car so take your time ...frank...
Thanks for the information guys, this is very helpful. That toothpaste is a great trick to remember... I don't think I will have to be "brushing" this lens though, it is in darn good shape as it is! A little floss maybe...
I buffed my plastic lens using a polishing wheel and a white polishing brick ... the type for stainless steel .... work perfect and removed all scratches ...
m-trick 71, no messin' wit' notin'. just swap the 194s with the 2825s. this is one of the simpler upgrades. i also put them in my side marker lites. put the 2057s and 2056s in your brake, back up and turn lights ..frank...:bananaman :bananaman