Hello, The previous owner of my Comet put disc brakes on the front. I have tried to change pads but they are all the wrong size and rattle in the caliper no matter what we try. The caliper is stamped "1967 Ford". We have no idea from what other vehicle they came from. I'd like to do a new conversion kit so I know all the components match and can be replaced in the future if necessary, especially the right size pads. Any suggestions of a good kit that will direct fit a 1971 Comet GT 5 lug 5x4.5 pattern. Thanks!
In 1967 Ford was using four piston calipers, is this what you have??? For the most part everyone around here uses a later model Mav or Granada disc brakes... Myself, I'm using '69 Torino discs because I already had them on hand and are actually a little larger than Mav/Granada... If this is what you have there is a pin that fits through the outer pad and is retained by a spring clip, without this they will rattle...
Did you install the anti rattle clips on the brake pads? If you did not then they will rattle and clack every time you hit the brakes. The clip goes on the inside pad (the one next to the caliper piston). It is installed on the bottom of the pad where it slides in the pad mount. Here is a link to the caliper installation kit http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/d...=Search_01266_1132243_3571&pt=01266&ppt=C0064 Hope this helps.
The '68-'73 Mustang & '68-'71 Torino had 11.4" single piston disc brakes('also '68-'70 Falcon)... The auto rags of the day could generally get a big block Torino/Cyclone stopped from 60 MPH in less than 130ft and they weigh around 3900lbs... Pretty good anchors if you ask me...