FYI ... I just sent an email off to the FFW staff requesting space for 10-15 cars on Saturday April 12 at FFW in Commerce, GA. In the past we had setup a prepay deal for credentials and tickets ... but IMHO it caused some unnecessary grief and folks who bought their tickets when they got there had no problems getting on the field to the meet. Hopefully FFW will allow us the space without ticket pre-sales ... so we shall see ... This is a non-sactioned event ... put together by the Dixie Maverick Crew ... all are welcome ... but only Mavericks (and Comets I suppose ) will be allowed in the event area. There is plenty of room for trailer parking. Check out FFW website for more info on Hotels and such. More to follow when I hear back ... Dan
Terry ,dont forget to bring the 150 piece canopy ...just in case we have enough people show up to assemble it!
Since I don't believe in the 72 virgin rule, there is no immediate need for me to commit suicide at this point. I'll just bring my two EZ-UP canopies. :Handshake
I just got off the phone with Crystal at FFW. She never received my original email. She indicated it should not be a problem having our meet there and she will get the ball rolling. I sent here another email with the following request: Section of show field dedicated to 12-15 Mavericks/Comets. NO prepay this year ...everyone pays at the gate. Entering your car in Car show will be optional. Meet date: 04/12/08 ..... Rain Date: 04/13/08 Once I hear back it is definitely a GO ... I will post here and on Dixie Maverick and send an email out to all Dixie Members ... Pictures from the last FFW meet ...
I wish my '72 still looked as good as it did in '06! Wish I hadn't of been up for almost three days straight changing the rear end either... damn I look like I was about to fall sleep standing there.