The Moonshine Festival will be held in Dawsonville this year the last weekend in October. There is lots to do for the entire family. They have a big car show on Sunday the 28th of October. The Galaxie Club has already chosen this show for a Galaxie Meet. This would also be a nice place for us Maverick and Comet guys to meet as well. Not only is the festival going on but right up the road is one of the biggest corn maze in Georgia as well. They also have a pumpkin patch and hayrides. If we can get enough people interested in participating I will contact the show coordinator and set aside space for our Mavericks. Please RSVP ASAP to see how many cars we can get. Thanks ... Dan Show Flyer - 2007 -.jpg
Sounds like a good time....... I promise when my car is done I will drive to a Georgia get together. I figure I will be welcomed or tossed out of town.......
Lance, if you make it be sure to bring a few of your ..."Rabbits"...i'm sure some of those Ga. Mountain boys would like to meat them... ...L.F.F...
Effie and I are planning on going up...Friday...and staying the weekend... got a count on how many are coming? ...t-ya-dare... ......
So far? Me and you .... .... maybe Earl ... I don't have enough definites to request a Maverick Corral ... the car show is Sunday ... you spending the weekend up here in North GA? I'm sure you can find lots to do ...
The show is Sunday ... Here is info: I just called and verified the show is at Thunder Road on RTE 53 in Dawsonville. If you come up GA 400 to Rte 53 ... make a left (53 west) at the light on 400 ... we can meet in the Burger King parking lot at 09:00 AM if that sounds good to you guys ... it's on the right as soon as you turn on 53 ...