ive read on this site that all grabber have 93 in the vin but then i read that the 70 model grabbers didnt necessarily have 93 in the vin.....that being said my maverick has 91 in the vin but has the black stripes down the side body lines and on the hood and a black grille...i also read that the 70 mavericks didnt have the same style hood as the later models..(the hoods with the two holes in them)..my hood is a flat hood.....can anyone shed anymore light on this for me please...the vin on my dash reads 0K91L..then several more number that i dont remember
so were the black stripes down the side and on the hood and the grille available on other trim.models?
welcome... You can get one of these reports... https://www.martiauto.com/reports2.cfm I believe the standard report will give you the trim code to let you know if it is a grabber.
well according to the site from the linc on the post above...it is a grabber...my car has the black plastic grill..black stripes doen the side and on the hood...the.vin jusy doesn't tell the same story...maybe I.have a differrent car than the.vin says...idk
The VIN for a 1970 model will not identify if it is a Grabber. Where was your car built (2nd digit in VIN) you might be lucky to have a buck tag.
my 70 had a 71-72 grabber hood and the stripes down the side as well as spoiler and grabber grille. It is not a grabber. Its a clone.
The "K" means it was built in Kansas City. If it had been an "X", it would have meant it was built in St. Thomas. Kansas City cars did NOT get body buck tags. St. Thomas built cars DID get body buck tags. If it would have had a body buck tag, I could have confirmed for you it was a 1970 Grabber.
yea I was kinda leaning towards it being a clone car..the digit after 91 is L.....the stripes were probably added later....owell its not a big deal..the car is a drag car an won't be restored. ..just woulda been cool to be able to call it a real grabber
The L after the 91 means nothing when it comes to a Grabber. Post up a picture, I can tell you if it is a Grabber or not.