rock star rims this will be on my blacked out maverick\ thay are 18s
whenever I hear someone wanting too use rockstars I think about this monstrosity.... Trust me there is a story or five about this wreck and its idiot owner posted in quite a few places on the internet..
18's look too big, 17's are just about right. Lots of nice black rims out there, that don't belong on a truck.
Put some crager D windows on soft 8s on it, would look sick on a shiney black car. Would give it a cool stock car look.
do you want completely black or do you care if it has chrome accents? You know something like this that has a chrome lip. or like this that has a flat black center with a black anodize lip? Of course another option is to find some "hyper black" rims they are kind of like a black metallic clearcoat Or you could do mostly black with a minimal silver accent but all of those are car rims and more importantly they aren't rockstars..
Rockstars would be in my top 3 of the worst wheel you could put on a car. They are for trucks and everyone has them.
Of course another option is to find some "hyper black" rims they are kind of like a black metallic clearcoat I really like these two.