"Don't Mess with Texas"! has been the litter slogan for years in Texas. This is one of their latest billboards. I couldn't believe it was a Maverick!!! (A Maverick was my first car)
My first Car was A Maverick I still don't think it was ugly p-green is a nice color. Why can't they trash talk a chevett!
My first car was a Mav too! Anyone else want to file a class-action lawsuit for defamation of...uh..."car"acter?
That's not nice at all, there are so many ugly little cars out there why pick on Mavs. Oh well, at least its on a billboard, can't be that ugly if they put it up for everyone to see.
Gee Whiz ....... I guess we need to make a mini - meet and get a pic under that billboard with a bunch of cars ...... where is it? Robert
I was thinking that it was your color Derek! Doug should pay someone to paint some flames on it with nice wheels!
gee thanks sometime i wonder if people are looking at the car when i drive around because its cool.. now it i know its just the car and the color!