Many may recall the Reproduction door panels announced earlier, I wanted to let everyone know what is posted on summit racings website Some of these could be a typo on their part, but one would think they would have to honor the posted price??? 063052 = $309.97 063054 = $139.97 063056 = $319.97 063058 = $139.97 Styles and part numbers referenced above can be viewed in original thread: SEE POST 50
Thanks Brian! That might prove to be an affordable purchase for someone here, but likely an expensive mistake for Summit... From the thread linked above:
Good Looking items: I hope these people consider making DASH PADS in colors ! Maybe Seat Covers , Sun Visors is a possibility also . Seems like these little cars are becoming more popular ! Cometized (Chip)
They make the correct sun visors in 9 different colors already.
Congrats to all that ordered style 063054!!... summit must have caught their mistake and has since raised the price on this style panel to $349.97 (in black) from their original posted price of $139.97. All other colors for this panel remain at $139.97...???
Thank YOU, @BKelley for giving those interested, the heads-up! I know there will be a few happy campers in New Brunswick!
Can't wait to get mine! They were supposed to be shipped two weeks ago...after calling I was told they will now be shipped next week.