The stock clutch pedal on my '70 doesn't come all the way back up on it's own. When released after pushing it down, it only comes back up about half way. I have to pull it the rest of the way up with my toe. Any ideas, please?
Where does your clutch engage? If its right at the floor, you can adjust the bottom clutch rod so that you would actually be making it longer. This would push your pedal up as well as making it engage a little further off the floor. I like mine to start to engage about 1/3 and be fully engauged by 1/2 of the pedal travel. Some cars had a spring from the firewall to the top rod of the cross shaft (see picture) If yours dosent have this you could add it and that would help pull the pedal up.
Had the same problem in my '70 once. Make sure the pedal free play is adjusted correctly. If that's OK you may have a problem with the equalizer arm flexing or bending forward. That's what happened to mine. I bent the top arm (connected to the pedal with a rod) rearward back into position and welded support gussets between the arm and cross shaft. That was 29 years ago and the problem hasn't reoccurred.
You're right on Mavaholic. After doing some major cleaning to the pivot points on the ends of the equalizer assembly (is that what I heard called a Z bar?), I checked the free play at the pedal and it looked like too much. I adjusted that release level rod to decrease the free play and now the pedal pops right up all the way! By the way, that's a great pic you attached....looks so familiar. Except that my spring to the firewall has broken. Yours looks in good shape. Has it been replaced? Any suggestions on where I could find a replacement?
Some cars had them and some didnt. My 71 has it and my Sprint never did and both were 6 bangers. So if it works without it, I would worry about it. If you want one, you'll probably have to go to a hardware store and find something close.