Hi folks. I am new here and want to thank you for your time. I am currently rebuilding a 5 stud Maverick rear end. I tackled the brakes yesterday with a complete rebuild kit. All went well but I have one question that concerns the shoe retaining pin. The originals are 2 1/8" long and the replacements are 2 1/2". I checked with a friend who had bought a kit from a different company and his pins are the longer ones, too. I now have 2 questions 1. Is this length acceptable as the spring tension seems way too light? 2. If not acceptable, any idea where to buy the correct ones without having to buy a complete kit? Thanks for the help.
3/8 of an inch is a big difference - have you tried the "Help" line in your auto parts store - maybe they just sell the retainers
it sounds like the part stores are pawning off the more popular pins for the 2" wide shoes for to replace the correct ones for the 13/4" shoes like mav1970 said check the help line of Dorman parts and look for holding pins for the earlier years 70 - 73 the pins should be close to the same except length.