i want a set of mufflers for my car that are light weight and also i like to be differsnt almost everyone uses flowmasters has nayone ever used the bullets on a street car if so are they tolerable inside for street cruising also thought of using the borla round type mufflers but the bullets r alot cheaper
I guess you are talking about the 'race bullets'? I have used them. They can be loud. Definately very deep... You have to get the end of the exhaust out the back, or they are very loud in the car. I used one 3" on an LS1 Z28... Slight rumble at idle, very smooth and soft spoken. However, the further you push the pedel, the louder they are. By the time you get to WOT, they are VERY loud... Nascar-ish sound. I have one 3.5" on a PSD... It is very deep tone. You feel it more than hear it. My son has 2- 2.5" on a 5.0 HO with ORP-X and headers. He has them turn-down dumped right at the axle. The car drones inside, is very deep toned at idle, but still on the loud side. Heavy bass at cruise, still fairly loud, but more in a vibration way that noise. WOT is not far from open header loud. These things are wide open inside. They have glass packing, but no fins and flow as open pipe. So it's no wonder they don't muffell much. The best part is that idle is not anywhere near open header, and most 'sound' is converted to 'bass' or vibrations that you feel, rather than hear... until you get into the gas, then all bets are off. If you are just driving around 'granny' style, you won't get much attention. Just make sure to look for cops before you push the pedal too hard. Otherwise, you can pull up next to Johnny Law at a light, and they won't even look twice. Get on the gas, and you will draw the law from 3 blocks away.
I have a video of a friend's Z28 driving with the same single bullet setup I had, but that probably won't do you any good as your Ford will sound totally different. I will video my son's 302 today sometime, I have been wanting to do so, and this will give me an excuse.
i plan on dumping the exhaust at the axle and running a 2 1/2 inch x-pipe or h-pipe .Yes the video would be great look forward to checking it out
I've got dual 2.5" bullets with just stright 25." pipe off the header dumped at the rear axel and its really not bad inside just driving around,and i have no carpet or insulation and a bunch of holes in the floor lol
I did a quick vid, but I must have had settings wrong on the camera... It sux pretty bad. Car is gone now too. So I can't do over again today. They sound like a mix of Cherry Bombs and Blowmasters... Much louder in person than the crappy vid. Let's see if my first attempt at an embed will work... Edit: Guess not! I'll try to fix it... No friggin' luck with technology today http://www.facebook.com/v/1270995953177
I had 'em on my Mustang with the exhaust exiting in front of the rear wheel....I might've well had straight pipes on it as the did little to muffle, but, it was the best sounding car i've ever owned and i've owned a lot...The car did have a lot of compression and cam though
I've got this setup on my LS Mav. It's not bad inside the cabin (I do have sound deadening). Outside, it's not loud enough for a ticket, but I wouldn't be cranking it up before 08:00!
Russ ur car is one of my favorite mavericks ,ilove evertyhting about ur car .i plan to do a boss hood scoop like urs if u dont mind me copying u.i just dont like the grabber hoods anymore and just cant seem to make myself like the cowl hood on a maverick either .anayways ur car looks great .so i will keep the bullets in mind thanx everyone
Thanks, Pip! The boss scoop fits with a minimum of trimming and room under it to cut out for a 14" air cleaner if needed.
I have twin 2.5's on my mustang with shorty headers and offroad x pipe. It dumps right before the rear axle. Sounds great except at 2000-2200 the drone is terrible. I have a set of 3 inch tail pipes I'm getting ready to throw on it, I read a few different places that this should fix the resonance or whatever reason it drones so bad at them ranges.
Are you running those 3" pipes totally out the back of the car? If so, that should do it, however larger pipe adds low tones, and low tones are what drone is all about. If it is running out the back, no problem, but I wouldn't add pipe diameter if they are still dumping under the car. My son's setup is exactly the same. He used the Stang parts in his Fox body, and that 2k rpm area will rattle your brain. My Z28 had a touch of drone with the 3" Dynomax ran out the back, but it was a hatchback, so there was no sound buffer.