I installed my EDL-7121 performer RPM last week and see that some parts doesn't fit like water outlet for the heater the one on my old intake is to small for the hole in the new intake (see picture 1) what's about the other hole some kind of cacuum do I need to install the old parts that screwed ther or I just need to put plug on this hole (see pic 2 and 3) I bought too this carb. Motorcraft 4160 holley 600 #E4ZEYA A4H3 with conversion kit #34-6. what is about this conversion kit I read it's to be able to change the jet but don't realy understand all about it so does some body can give some more info about the carb. I bought? thanks David
David, You can buy adaptors for brass and steel water fittings. Try your local parts store. The 'HELP' section usually carries a variety of inlets/outlets or should be able to get you an adapter to make it fit. Be careful with the threads, get the correct size. The outlet at the front is for the heater hose inlet, the one at the back is in fact for vacuum. Adapter for the carb I am not sure about. It could be for adapting the carb to a particular intake. Good luck. Seth
A 4160 has vacuum secondaries and a non-tunable secondary metering plate. A 4150 is usually a double pumper and has a secondary metering block with replaceable jets and power valve.
Stmancer: no your not missing something I'm not aable to upload the pic. I'll try again may be or tomorow
get it yes here the pic now the question is what should I do with 2 and 3 hole since I remove egr and other emission control ???? I read the instalation sheet of the intake and they talk about dowel pin to remove Where is this dowel pins I speak french so dowel doesn't mean anything for me do I miss something???
Holes 2 and 3 look like manifold vacuum ports to me. You can buy threaded pipe plugs to close off the holes in the intake you aren't using. About 8 bucks for a set of 5 from Summit in chrome, blue anodized, red anodized, or plain aluminum (i found these on their site doing a search, they are not listed in their catalog). The only things the parts store had I checked were ugly brass things, but your luck may vary.
thanks matt, but do I need these vacuum port, what is the need of these??? Do I need it?? Thanks Scott, but I'm not sure about temp sending unit if my memory's good my temp gauge was plug at the front on driverside of the intake (see pic #4)??
#2 is not a water port. It is a vacuum port. #4 is for a temp sending unit. Plug #3 unless you need a second vacuum port. #1 is again to the heater core. Seth
You can draw manifold vac off the back of the carb, or off the intake. I think I used the one on the back of the carb for the power brakes, and the one off the intake to run to the vac modulator on the tranny and the vac can for the climate controls. I ran the PVC to the front port on the carb. I just realized I have way to many vacuum lines. :16suspect
I put on my car a c4 trans. from granada 1977 does it possible that I don't have any vac modulator???