efi 5.0 swap into a maverick what inexpensive prefilter and fuel filter and fuel pump can i use that will work on stock setup
To get an idea on parts pricing, I go on http://RockAuto.com. Search by Make, model, engine, fuel, etc.
using stock pumps and filters will cost the least amount in parts. figuring out how to make them work in a maverick is the tricky part. http://www.maverick.to/mmb/showthread.php?t=75382 the link i posted above is a creative way to solve the fuel pump issue. you just need to have fabrication skills. remember welding on a gas tank that has had gas in it is extremely dangerous. i would suggest getting a new replacement tank and then do something similar to above. if you dont have welding skills the you find a fabricator to do it for you. usually radiator shops are able to do this type of work. you can put sump onto the bottom of the stock tank then use a frame mounted pump. the fuel injected ford trucks and broncos usually had a frame mounted pump. they are a decent option. there are lots of different ways to do this, you just need the find the one that suits you best.