I’m trying to figure out my fuel line routing and wanted to see if anyone can see any issues with that I am thinking of doing. I mounted my EFI fuel pump in the tank where the vapor valve was located. To get my fuel supply and return lines up to the engine, I was going to run them alongside the original vent line. If I can find them, I may even use two sets of original vent lines to get an exact fit. I would have them come up the firewall and then connect them to the EFI fuel rail with appropriate flexible lines. I have two concerns. The first being any clearance issues with the AOD. I have not had the transmission in the car and I do not know how close it comes to the vapor and brake lines. If anyone has an AOD and can take a look or, even better, snap some pictures, I would appreciate it. My second concern would be vapor lock. With the pump in the tank, the risk should be reduced, but being so close to a hot transmission and somewhat close to the shorty headers, I don’t know if there will be a problem. Possibly, I could slide a heat resistant shield similar to what is used on sparkplug wires to reduce the exposure to heat. Any suggestions or comments? Thanks, Micah http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=84/category_id=61/mode=prod/prd84.htm
http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/p...duct_id=84/category_id=61/mode=prod/prd84.htm So is this the pump you are using? Looks good, believe I will use it also. What year tank are you using? Mine is a 70.
isn't the "vent line" kind of small for a feed line? I ran another "stock feed line" beside the original, it's been working good for me.
I have not compared the vent line diameter to the original feed line. If smaller, I would not use it other than as a pattern for the new supply and return. With the lines running from the top of the tank, I would rather not try to get them over to where the original feed line ran. It makes more sense to me to run it up the tunnel. Micah
Looks like that pump would fit perfectly in my 70 gas tank, there is even a round stamping where the hole will be cut and the surface there is flat, plus the tank is a little over 7 inches deep. Perfect!! Finally something that looks like it might be an easy mod for a maverick. Knock on wood!
The original vent line is smaller. I spoke with Right Stuff today. They will make a 3/8 version of the vent line for me for the same cost. For a little more, they will customize it with the propper connections and termination points. Probably the easiest and best solution. Anyone else see any issues with running the fuel lines up the middle? Micah
It cost me a few bucks to have shop make that flat spot for me. It is hard to see in the picture, but they had to recess the back portion about 1/2". If your tank has that spot, it should not be tough. The only thing I messed up was not factoring the gasket in when I measured the depth. Plus I was off a little. It should sit about 1/4" further down. I dont think this will be an issue. Also, I would weld in the mounting ring. It was a bit of a pain to line it up. Micah
Will Right Stuff, terminate the lines, in a different spot, compared to the factory vent line? I like the idea of using two lines, like you want to do. Do you have a drive shaft loop?
Yes, they told me if I can show them where I want it, they can make the modification. I'm going to go out in the garage and mock up the vent line and see what might work. Can you post a couple of picts of your AOD set up? I would like to make sure I have no issues. I have never had the AOD in the car so I'm a little lost at where the problem areas might be. No loop for me. Micah
If you run the fuel line near the driveshaft, I would use a loop and I would insulate it well from the exhaust and transmission heat if you are following the vapor line routing.
I sent Right Stuff of some photos of what modifications I wanted. Then they realized that they did not have a pattern for the vent line. Went to Pick and Pull this morning and pulled one out of the only junk Maverick within 200 miles of me. I might see if it is possible to get it done locally. If not, I will send them the one I pulled out. I was hoping to avoid shipping costs. Micah