For the price of a new or used fan shroud I can upgrade to an electric fan. Which one to buy? I did some searching on the boards and didn't find very much information. I saw some references to the Taurus fan. Which is better, a new fan or a factory fan from the junkyard? Are there any fans that are a direct bolt on? I have a 76 with a factory 302. I believe the measurements are 16 x 20 for my radiator. So I imagine a 16" fan would not leave much room for mounting. So what year/model cars should I look for in the junkyard? What modifications will be needed to get them to fit? I found this fan on ebay and could probably attach it with those zip tie like things. Pro-Comp 14" electric fan My current setup is a 6 blade flex fan with no shroud. So, anything is probably better than that.
Hmmmm... I almost bought that fan when you showed it to me, but I have a fan with a chrome shroud, switching might be nice, hmmm...
The Taurus fans are popular. I have a Perma Kool(?) that flows over 2900 cfm with an adjustable thermostat.