are they worth the money and what should I be looking for... Was thinking about air but cannot afford the compressor necessary to run the tools...
I have only had experience with an cheap harbor freight 120v one. It is very heavy and awkward compared to an air gun but it beats ratcheting any day. As far as its power it is comparable to a cheap air gun in my opinion. If you not working with anything tighter than correctly torqued lug nuts on a car or pickup you should be OK.
Electric Impact wrench I've got my dad's old (I think it's a Milwaukee but I'm too lazy to walk out to the shop to check...) 1/2" that he had for years. He died 15 years ago and it is still running strong. It's heavy but that's probably it's still working. Matt
we've got a milwaukee as well. Cordless 1/2" 18v great. Takes most lug nuts off, pinion nuts (at the junkyard), and about a thousand other uses. VERY handy little tool...but they ain't cheap!
ok fellows I have 2 Snap-on cordless impacts 1/2 drives. Let me tell you I paid roughly 500.00 for each one and they are worth their weight in gold. I disassembled a complete rear end out of a Hyster container lift machine with one removed planetaries and third member from unit. I use them more than my air impacts and they are the greatest thing.
I've had this Kawasaki for two years now, and it's one of my favorite tools. I always hated to loosen lug nuts the old way, and this baby takes good care of that, and a hundred other uses in our hobbie. I paid a well worth $79 at Pep Boys, you can save $10 here.
I've used Old guy's several times and recommend it. Plus they got a good deal on it from the Milwaukee dealer where Old GUy's son used to work at. But it was still expensive!! But if I was using them all the time, or pulling a trailer on a regular basis, Id buy one to use incase of a flat in a heartbeat.
That's what I have! Love it an never leave home without it Local snap-on man was to bring me one and never showed, I watched ebay and picked up the new style with 2 batteries for $380,,,had to watch ebay quite some time for a brand new at that price!
We use the Milwaukee on our desert racing team. It's the 18 volt and the batteries seem to last for a long time. I love the two we have.
I have the 3/8" drive version Of this gun and I'm pretty happy with it. It will NOT do lug nuts, You need a 1/2" drive for that. You really need an extra battery too. They cost about a 100 bux. I have used the crapsman 1/2 and it is a very powerfull unit as well .
I have the craftsman impact driver which uses an adapter from 1/4 through 1/2. It is not as strong as the Makitas that the guys at work have, but the battery holds a charge a lot longer than theirs. The electric impact guns make my lilfe a lot easier at work.