has anyone modified the emergency brakes cables and installed the handle between the bucket seats ?? thanks
Just did it this week using a Pinto handle. Complete failure. Seems theres more engineering to an E-brake setup than I anticipated. Back to the drawing board.
Lokar makes a cool kit for that, I've seen it installed in a 68 Mustang, so it should fit a Maverick easily.
found this article online... http://www.mustangandfords.com/tech...p_0809_lokar_parking_brake_install/index.html
Pretty sure member "Chirt" used a console and e-brake assembly from a later Mustang in his build....looked nice if memory serves...
The Lokar kit looks nice, pricey, but nice. My only concern is the routing looks to be very similar to mine; down the tunnel, around the rear seat pan, and 45*ish to the drum. They have the advantage of having sleeved cables and robust cable guides though, so it looks like they can get away with it. Also, if you havn't attempted this you'd be suprised at how little room there is in the tunnel between the floor and driveshaft. That could be solved by building a slight elevation into the floor to mount the brake mechanism to though. This will require further thought, and probably my money going to Lokar.
I'm planning on doing this myself, I got a early fox body mustang handle (non-self adjusting) and a explorer passenger side e-brake cable (pretty long cable with a long housing), now I just need another e-brake cable than I can start mocking it up.
I have a section of the Mustang tunnel that the brake mounts to and the handle, but you are correct about the clearance from below the Mav tunnel. I am going to elevate it and build a console over the top of it to take care of the clearance issues. I have toyed with raising the tunnel...
Looking at the Lokar kit it seems it would require the same thing. I don't think I could get away with more than 1.25" protrusion into the tunnel without worrying about something hitting the driveshaft.
the measurement I got was closer to .75" on full rear compression, no room in the tunnel at all. I wanted to use a larger drive shaft but it's either leave it with the baby drive shaft or raise the tunnel 1-2", which would also help with the parking brake clearance.
Just ordered the Lokar cable kit. Going to attempt to adapt it to the pinto handbrake I already fabbed up for the car.
I am going with the Mustang handle and two passenger side disc brake cables so I can hook up the paring brake on the Wilwoods.