Hey guys, when my engine is running and IS UNDER A LOAD, like pulling a hill or accelerating on the interstate, there is a noticible ticking sound coming from the engine that increases and decreases with the speed of the engine. What is making that noise? I have 200 I-6. Thanks, CommieHook
Try super unleaded and see if it goes away. If it does, good old fashioned engine knock. Then you could retard your timing a little and maybe get rid of it.
Thanks Scooper, but I am running super unleaded in there. It has had a pinging problem before, this is totally different. CommieHook
I had a ticking problem the other day also but it turned out to be my oil level that was real low..After I dropped a quart and a half it stopped the ticking.
Cool, It helps if you have had pinging in the past and can differentiate that from this new sound. Other sources of ticking could be exhaust leak, loose rocker, failing cam lobe or lifter, a playing card stuck in the fins of your radiator and just barely touching the rotating fan blades, etc. Sorry, had to do that!
Look at your fan shroud. Has the fan been hitting it? Only a guess, bad motor mounts, especially the drivers side one!
It sounds like you have a stuck lifter. Put some engine cleaner and run the engine and see what happens. Don't forget to change oil again.
careful with the "engine cleaners" they are solvents that DILUTE your oil and can wreck your engine. Marvel Mystery Oil is my favorite.. But if you try that then like mike75mav said...change the oil after you dump some in and it works or doesnt...I've had that "tick".. my 6 does it when its cold then it goes away. But do check your exhaust bolts and listen there..I hope its just a leak. Ifyou have really high miles on the motor run straight 40 weight and ad a pint of "Moreleys Oil Stabiliser" it is like honey and real good on old motors. Old timer stuff. my 2 cents.
My dad's 312 (Yblock) had a knocking wrist pin. We were running it as little as possible when moving it. He finally said to hell with it, got a set of plugs, wires, cap, rotor, points, condenser, filters, said if it blows up then it blows up. It quit knocking. Don't dismiss timing issues so quickly. Everything should have been in good shape before, but it was knocking pretty bad. After a tune up it was pretty obvious that the knock that wasn't preignition was preignition. Edit: at the time I'd been working on cars for over 10 years, he had 25-30 years experience.
No balloons in the spokes, they gave it that deep rumble!! As for the ticking noise, I at one time had a nut back off the torque converter and make a ticking noise when it hit the block plate.
I'm not familiar with the characteristic sounds of these engines, but valves often tick or click (though peoples descriptions of noises vary so much, one persons tap is another persons knock and so fourth). Id start by looking at the timing and timing components first. Dont even bother with a timing light....go for the old school method, bring that #1 piston to TDC and check your timing marks. Make sure your sprockets and driver arent worn/damaged. Some engines 'tick' when cold. As the engine warms up and the components expand, the tick disappears. Also check your oil and oil pump. If you're not getting proper lubrication, there could be some friction issues going on.
Never tried ballons in the spokes, we only used them as ammo on sunday afternoons cruising the mean streets of Silsbee Tx. Then the cops got wise to us, and started pulling us over and confiscating the ammo. Then when they had enough, they'd start using them on us. :bananaman