Hello people, I have just bought a '71 Maverick Grabber and am planning on doing a full bare shell re-build of it. Its not in bad shape (still in original paint) apart from some rust on the front wings and bonnet- sorry- fenders and hood which I am hoping to be able to repair once it has been taken back to bare metal. Parts are non existant in England, I have been told mine is one of only 3 or 4 over here- not sure how true it is but I haven't seen any here before! Will no doubt be asking lots of questions soon, I'm holding back from starting it as I'm finishing my current project which is a blown Rover/Buick V8 in a mx5, there are only 2 others that I know of in the UK (none with a supercharger!) so pretty scarce too! Hopefully it will be in the workshop in about a month and be sprayed this year. TC
from Northeast Pennsylvania It would he cool to find out the story on how that car made it's way across the big pond in the first place. How is it driving on the left side of the road with a car with the steering wheel in the wrong place?
wow, another one in europe! seems like a new trend, soon we will be able to hold our own meetings over here welcome aboard
Well, Thomas. I'm sure you could give Topcat some pointers on getting parts when there are none in the area.
Some local parts would be nice! As for your bloody steering wheels being on the wrong side :16suspect Oh- and whats the gearstick doing stuck on the damn steering column?? Oh- and its an auto?????? This is gonna take some getting used to
Does he fancy having some nice bits of trim etc posted over to him in a while by any chance Where abouts is he working? The 2 (English) friends I have in the Army & RAF are both based permanently in Germany now, seems a bit odd!