Looking at my exhaust manifold bolt holes and the bolts, there is about 1/8th inch gap, is there suppose to be that much slop?
It's been a while since I last took a set off, but if I remember correctly they ft in perfect.. No slop but enough room to slide on in with no friction, I think you have a problem. But remember.. Been a while ad I could be wrong.. But maybe you got the wrong bolts, do they thread into the head?
yep, the bolts do thread into the head. I see what Comet Fever is talking about though, the washer allows for the bolt to center with the exhaust manifold.
My 250 had some " wiggle room " on the outside set of holes. I don't think it was ⅛", but it could have been. The V8's are pretty tight fit, but I think the 6's have play so the long manifold can expand when it gets hot.
That's where the top ear broke off of my head! Luckily, there was more of the hole thread left, than broke off. I put the broken piece back on with " JB Weld ", and put a nut behind the ear when I replaced the gasket. It's still going strong! And in response to " Frank ", the manifold in the photo looks like all the holes are enlarged. Just the front and rear ports on mine were enlarged. I wonder how many different manifolds Ford made for one engine?
7 of the holes have the larger holes, I looked at the exhaust manifolds from a Lincoln Continental...there the same way. Wonder if it's for expansion/contraction.
My 1974 comet has one crack in it, it's only got 16,153 miles on it originally. Cracked towards the front. The guy I bought the car from tried to fix the gasket , but could not get the bolts off. Rust from sitting did this an road salt.
@Comet Fever, I see in your photos that you have your temp sender what looks like in the thermostat housing. Did you have to drill and tap the hole? I put mine in the back of the head where the sender for the light was. My thermostat housing has a place that looks like you could drill and tap it, but it isn't very big.