some d%#k head just rammed my mav with a shopping buggy and theres not a damn thing i can do about it and it dented my trunk lid right at the top where it is bent bastard
I would constantly raise hell with the manager(s) at the store. I'll bet they have provisions for that, but you have to resort to being an a-hole about it. my .02 deposited gluck
shopping buggy hey there . i sympatize but living up on the 402 as you are , you shouldn,t be driving the mav any ways . ****ty weather. I know cause I'm only 3 hrs from you. hope the damage is not too severe. did the person not stay to comfort ur fellings ,or did he tell you in no uncertain terms to go take a long walk off a short peer. have a better day tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about your Mavericks encounter with the dreaded shopping buggy.That's the very reason I don't take either of my Mavericks to any shopping center. People just don't care how much damage a shopping buggy can do to a car.....unless it's their car that gets banged up. All the parking lots around here seem to angle down hill, and those rotten buggys sure can pick up speed.
Man that stinks..... Had the samething happen to the wifes car years ago.....I griped and complained and it got me no where..... We do not all have the ability to park our mavericks/comets and we have to drive them daily.....guess Mavaholic had the best possible solution, and even thou its hind-site, its about the only safeguard we have for ourselves. Sorry to hear that.
Well it's better than children beating your hood with a stick, eh? I came home to that not to long ago.
Parking Lot I know how you feel. A parking lot is the worst place for your car. The only thing to do is get your Maverick fixed. Last weekend we went to Target. I parked in the third space from last. When we came back to the car, an older woman was touching the corner of my bumper! She asked me I could help her get her car out not knowing I was the owner of that new Explorer she just hit! I got her car out and let her go. There is two small scratches on the corner of my bumper. Im sure there will be more! Last year, someone left a cart behind my F150, I didn't see it. As I backed out, I pushed it into a Camery! I was angry and just went home! Joe
My mom used to just push the carts out of the way with the maverick when they were blocking a parking spot. What was it gonna do scratch the rusty fender . Sorry to hear about the banged up trunk lid .
It was on the news a few weeks ago that someone sued over this and won. It seems that there is a new precedent now. Best as I can remember the story went that by posting the little signs that said they were not responsible for cart damage, the store was admitting there was a problem with this. It was also a sloped lot. The court finding was that the signs dot not absolve tthem of responsibility for damage. Try searching the Sacramento Bee newspaper.