i just thought i would start a build thread.my son and i{wow that was proper}are trying to build a clone of my old maverick.he is 13 but has always been into cars and atvs.we drove to indiana{450 miles away}to pick it up.he has drove it up and down the street acouple of times and cant wait to rebuild it.its not in the best shape but very do able. so far we have gotten some better fenders valance and dist.we also started to remove the lando top and sand the one fender.
maverick yeah he always goes with me to the track,and loves helping.with him being only 13 its hard sometimes taking the patience to teach him and just let him do things.i know i can get things done faster but he has too learn sometime.
Welcome! Seems to be a nice car to start on and with your son helping you, the build will carry special memories for both of you! Good luck with everything!
sanding well we put the old points back in because the modual was bad in the mallory.got the front valance sanded down,drivers rocker,and some of the door.we also got the front bumper and fender off.not bad for a days work.
we are looking for acouple of thing for his car.1 driverside inside arm rest-door handel.grill lights,hood trim,front bumper.the back bumper is ok so we might keep it.
well we got the trim off.landou top-gone.roof,quarter,door sanded.front fender off and both cut.messing around with useing the front fender as the rear weel lips.GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!let him take off his first day of school to work on the car.He hasnt missed a day yet and there was no weight lifting for football today so we had a father-son day.LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!