I got the new Aerospace disc brakes installed and went to the Summit Series race in Fontana. The brakes worked great and I got into the 10's for the first time with a 10.93 at 123mph. Went 3 rounds and lost going 10.93 on a 10.92 w/ a .040 light. Competitor went 9.244 on a 9.24 w/ a .020 light...tough to beat. Anyways, I've been trying for a while to break into the 10's with my all motor 331 so it was great. I still have a few simple improvements I want to make to hopefully drop another tenth or two. BTW, the brakes weigh about 21lbs. less per side than my old drum brakes.
Excellent! Weight reduction = h.p.'s (sorta). I have a friend who says about "things" on race cars, "If it don't add power and you can't throw it a quarter-mile, get rid of it." I'm sure he understood we need brakes.
Cool...I have a set of the Aerospace brakes I just bought to go on my car. Just gotta get them on there now. Not sure if it will be a big improvement since I already have discs but I fell like they will be better. That's an awesome time on the car...great job!
congrats dude! getting that weight off did work eh? another good reason to get rid of drums or stock disks
1 pound of rotating mass is equal to 7 pounds mass isnt it. So that would make a huge difference in the car being as though it was the brakes.