I had my first ever accident with my Mav with any car for that matter that was my own fault..... that actually did damage I got rear ended once in the Tim Hortons drive through but she only hit my big ass rear bumper and there was no damage...... however last night is a whole other story..... Some of you may remember or know that I just got my car painted this summer and just switched to the small bumpers on my 76.... Last night as I backed out of the driveway to leave for work....... something i have done many many times..... I clipped the corner of another car..... I slightly dented (length of a pen crease) my passenger fender and took some paint off right by the headlight (little bigger than a quater) and scratched the chrome on the front bumper...... bumper was scratched already but still, not the point I am disappointed with myself more than anything but I have never had an accident before and it bothered me all night and had to get this off my chest..... nobody else cares but I know you guys will understand...... nobody gets my obbsession around here...... if it had of been the grand am, I would not have given a rats a$$......... anything but the Mav Anyway I am going to have another or two and goto bed Jason
Ouch sorry to hear about that. And I agree, If it was any other car than my maverick I could care less :evilsmile
sorry to hear about that i've done that before but in the tempo only-i hope i never do it when i drive the mav
Jason, Hey, try not to be too hard on yourself, we have all done things in the past that we wish we hadn't. Life goes on, and when you get a chance (and the $), get the car fixed and forget it! Art
i know the feeling. but i also know that it can be fixed. the only accident that will bother me is if someone gets hurt. sorry about the mav though.
I offer my condolences. I had an accident this past March that was my fault. No one got hurt, but it really bummed me out because it had been 20 years since my previous one when I was in High School. Now I gotta start all over. Just be glad it wasn't worse (it can always be worse)...
Sorry to hear about your boo-boo. Thankfully the damage sounds pretty minor and there were no injuries to anyone other than to your Mav. Don't take it too hard. We all make mistakes. I made a whopper of a mistake shortly after my 77' Maverick was painted for the first time. I needed to take the car to work right after it was painted and I didn't bother to put the trunk weatherstrip back on. Big mistake! It wasn't too bad going to work with the windows down, but on the way home it was raining. With the windows rolled up, the carbon monoxide got into the inside of the car. By the time I got home I was so light headed that when I went to pull into the garage, I plowed right into the side of the garage door instead. All it did was scratch the bumper a little, but I felt like a total idiot for the rest of the day.
Yeah,, it sucks when that happens. The the old pride thing gets hurt too. Things like this in life happen daily to many people, and most here have had annoying things like this happen. Car can be fixed,,nobody was hurt... life goes on. Dont be too hard on yourself dude. Dan
Yes, it sucks when we have a fender bender. If it is in a vehicle other than a Comet or Maverick, I could care less. Otherwise, I'm with you, on feeling down...