has any body used this set of wires of summit or can i have some suggestions on some good brands was also thinking accel super stock
I've used a set on my 5.0 T-Bird since '99 with no issues, those are so old they have Ford Motorsport on them... I've tested them for resistance and are still good, the boots are fine as well... Also had a newer set of approx '04 on my '93 lightning never had a problem with those either...
ive used these and almost every type of plug wire on the market. im not very impressed with the ford ones. the spark plug terminals have a tendency to pull off the wire and stay on the plug. they burn easily when close not even touching the headers. i use accel 300+ wires on everything unless the heat from the headers is too high or they may touch then i will use the accel extreem 9000+ wires. they are the same wire as the 300 with higher temp boots. a friend at a race engine school did dyno testing on every plug wire set they could get and the accel 300+ gave the best performance gain also. accel used to offer a lifetime warranty on them but the latest ones ive gotten doent offer it any more. taylor wires will have the terminals pull out the easiest of all the wires ive tried. msd wires boots will burn really easily. mallorys terminals pull off easily. accels other wires seem to pull apart easily also. i think the wires that have the terminals pull off easy are too soft in their construction. the 300+ wires seem to have a denser insulation under the silicone and i believe that is the difference.
I used the Ford Racing wires on the Maverick and liked them. Got a set of MSD wires for the Windsor in the F100 and the straight boots put them right on or very close to the headers. Not pleased to hear they burn easily. The 45* boots on the Ford Racing wires allow the boots to avoid the headers. Whatever I get from now on will be 45* boots.
I have had some issues with the boots pulling off the end and burning close to headers with the Ford Racing sets as well. If you can isolate them from the heat using retainers or creative zip tie methods and use a good quality silicone dielectric grease on the boots, they are ok at best. I have a set of factory Motorcraft replacements I bought when I put the EFI on in 1999. 49,000 miles with no issues.
I'vr been running the Ford Racing 9mm wires for years now, had at least 4-5 sets on as many and more engines(same sets on more than one engine). Never had a terminal pull off nor had burned issues. Great wires for the money. I ran them on a 95 E150 van with a 351, they far outlasted the factory wires in that hell hole of an engine box.
I'm running some Accel wires now but my next set will be Firecore50's, nothing but good said about them.
I've used many of the major brands too and I've learned through the years to not really care who prints their name on them.. as long as they're as low of a resistance wire as possible and the ends are decent enough. Making your own custom length sets also allows you to be certain that everything is tight and sealed as well(the tools are cheap). Even then though.. and nothing against Bryant because he certianly seems to know his stuff.. if you're repeatedly pulling ends off of the wires during servicing?.. then they're likely being handled incorrectly, IMO.
Im a big fan of factory wires. All my vehicles get factory wires. Mav has motorcraft wires. Stock duraspark so it gets stock cables. Very well made no issues. Ive replaced and tore up way too many aftermarket wires to spend my money on them. Of course some applications factory may not be best.
i use taylor wires never had any problems made them myself just need the right tool to crimp them love them wire especial when you have headers on the car.my brother used them on is race car.it just amatter of prefernce.