its that time again. whos going. my car wont be ready but we plan on taking mo's to the show. i highly recommend going and entering you car. the turn out for mavericks/comets has been really small. this show is full of non show cars. bring your daily driver. lets get a good turn out this year.
make it a weekend trip. come down saterday, go to one of the local entertainment parks then do the show sunday. its worth it. this show is the biggest ford show that ive ever seen. i know people come from far away to go to this. just not maverick/comets.
I just read the poster. It's pretty sad that a show with 56 Classes has a Pinto Class, a Probe Class, even a Focus Class, but no Maverick/Comet Class. So I guess Maverick/Comet participation has been fairly low, like Bryant has indicated.
for what it would cost me I would rather spend that money on my car to help finish the 1000hp stroker or start pay for the rear end build. my truck gets decent highway mileage but not THAT good lol
by there directions its 6+ hours one way from me I figure it would cost me about $250 just to get there and back in gas if I could get there and back and have a decent time for that much money total or less I would be all in. I dont want to spend $500 to go look at everyone elses car. then to boot very few if any mavs or comets
I wish I was going but funds just aren't good this year last time we went was in '07 its a 4 day drive