I updated the front page by displaying a random image from the photo gallery. If you want to see your car on the front page, submit it to the photo gallery. Thanks to Rudy who gave me the idea. If you have not submitted your car in the past, submit it here: http://www.maverick.to/php-photogallery.php3 If you want to update your entry, send me an email with the new info and/or photo.
Cool! Your site is great Stefan. The scripts you've written to automatically add owners lists and picture lists really make it interesting to check back and it automatically updates.
Ive added the photos that have been submitted, please keep them comming! Please only submit one photo per vehicle and e-mail me with any updates. If you have not done so already, you can also submit your car to the registry!
Yeah, Stefan, the site is great. Some day when my Maverick is finished, I will get a picture in for you. I can always count on this site being "open" when ever I need it Thanks for the great service, and even though most of us (me included) have never met you, we all think you're a great guy. Best of everything, and Happy Holidays everyone! -Corbin
? Stefan- When I go to the pictures section, and search 'Mercury' looking for Comets, it shows there are 3 pages of pics, but when I attempt to go to page 2, it gives some type of syntax error I believe. Seth seth@realtor.com
stefan, I have accumulated quite an aresonal of Mav pics from this site from all the posts from the last year or so. I can zip em and send em if you want them