So after going through 3 pages of fuel sending unit threads I can't conclusively find what I need. Here's the problem. I "ran out of gas" with a substantial amount of fuel still in the tank (via fuel gauge, confirmed after draining the tank), so I know the sending unit is giving me trouble. There is no part number so I'm having a hard time confirming that it is the correct sending unit. It also appears to have been cut off short by whoever installed it, so either its the wrong unit, or installed wrong (both equally likely). What I'm looking for is a measurement of the pickup tube. If somebody has a 70 fuel sending unit laying on a bench somewhere and can measure the pickup tube from the tank side of the mounting plate to the tip (with the sock off) it would be much appreciated. I'll give you 1,000 internet points
Middle of the bend to the end of the metal on the sock = 5 1/2" This is on the larger, non-emissions 1970 fuel tank unit. They made 2 different sending units -1 for the small tank and 1 for the bigger tank. Hope this helps ...........
If you need a new sending unit, they are available, here is one for $59.95. Probably available elsewhere as well, but probably not this cheap in price? Hope this helps!
Thanks for the help, both of you. It would appear that the guy who installed the pickup tube took 1 1/4" off the end. On the other hand, mine looks really close to the one on the 3pg website.
Turns out the length was correct, or very close to it. The problem was two fold; 1-The filter sock had slipped up the pickup and was blocking the float arm giving a false reading of 1/2 a tank all the way down to empty. I stole the idea from someone else's thread to put a zip tie on the pickup and lock the sock in place. 2-In the process of starving itself of fuel the regulator got an air bubble in it and wouldn't allow any fuel to the carb, even with the electric fuel pump running. A mouthful of gas later to get flow past the regulator and everything's working again.
They should be marked in the space between the electrical connector and the tube. My MPC shows D0DF-9275-A for 1970, and D1DF-9275-AA, or -AB for 1971-72. I don't have the 1973 MPC here at home. There is an Ohm range, for testing full and empty.