This might be the wrong forum (if it is the MODS will move it ) I know daydreamer and a couple others are going. If anyone is interested in meeting on Saturday, to hangout, checkout the show and dinner afterwards, get with daydreamer/maverickgrabber and they will co-ordinate things
Dave I know you were late. me and Greybeard ate alone I will likely meet you up there if you guys want me to.
seriously that would be great! Lance, maybe I can pick you up on my way through if you want. i am free all day (I plan on coming home that night) so if you want a ride....just let me know
what time would evey one like to meet after the swap meet for a dinner and just bs ...5:30pm or 6:00pm getting the seating setup res 15 would like to get running of who will be here and stay for dinner
5:30 or 6:00 sounds good to me . and you know I'm goin to be there .lookin forward to those crummy hot dogs for lunch or might just starve myself and chow down at ?????????????.. HOOTERS sounds like a fascinating place for dinner..good friends, good food, good - hmmmmmmm shut my mouth