Georgia people post here. Trying to get a list of everyone. Maybe add each other on Facebook? My Facebook email is Also who can identify these Mavericks from the Perry spring peach festival. I believe one is 71gold but not sure about the others.
It would be easier to search the community link. Click advanced search and type in Georgia. I found 5 1/2 pages of people in about 30 seconds.:Handshake
I was there but not in a maverick,the after party was super too. Charles Nix--- Eastern Raider,Warner Robins Ga. just above Perry Ga.
1st pic is me in the Grabber Blue, Collin in the tan '73. 2nd pic is Frank and Earl. 3rd pic is Earl again and Terry 1 with the 74 Comet.
Mrmilina99 do you own the ford maverick -comet that was at the warner Robins audio shop and at the Byron dukes festival? The red one.
Not my car. If anyone is interested in joining I will be at the Warner Robins Steak and Shake this Thursday and probably the Byron Peach outlet Mall Saturday, weather permitting of course. This is mine:
Awsome dude,great car. I should be at byron sat. night 5;30. There is a truck- low rider -motorcycle -bogin show in byron sat, most all day. A freind of mine in south macon is parting out a six cyl -grabber blue ,with fuel tank, 1970 maverick. I have his number.
Where did you find the info on the Byron show? PM me some info on the Maverick we always need things.