I am suppossed to get dyno tuned next week, I am excited about this since I know thee are alot of hidden horsepower in the machine. Im happy with it and only have the mechanical advance right now, havent even hooked up the vacum advance or played with the timing or air fuel yet. Anyway I plan on a 100 hp NOS system and will advise the mechanic of that. Is that all he needs to know or should I put the NOS in first. I figure he is likely to tune it and just advise me how much to retard the timing when I use NOS. Am I looking at it right.
have him tune the motor to run its best on the motor. to run the nos you should just pull 4 degrees of timeing out. basicly you pull 2 degrees out for every 50 hp of nitrous. if you have 10 to 1 compression or higher you will want to add octane booster or race gas. if its lower then you will be fine with premium octane.
I'd say best case is get it all together and have it tuned both ways on the motor and spray the same day.