Now the cruising season opened "officially" here, in Estonia. not mutch cars in one cruise (97) but fun. In the end of cruise I heare very interesting statement! Here is the story: I was talking with some '67 Mustang owener, to see how the dual exhaust look etc. and some dude ;little too standing and listenig what we talk, and in some pause moment he ask from me, do I want to see ugliest Mustang? Of course I want, where?, and then he point finger to my Mav. That yellow one, he seys. I sayd, thanks man, this is my car, and its not Mustang at all . Now I have ugliest Mustang... And here some pictures: me cruising
Good story may wanna move the pics to the website your car pics are at. These take forever to load from the site there at. Now you know what it means to be a Maverick owner but for every one guy like that there are 10 that tell ya how cool your car is.