Been looking for a V8 engine and I've settled on a 306 since I'm more of a street driver and I would never head out to a track. I found a 306 block( and was wondering how much more I would have to spend on the heads, cam and anything else that is needed? also, I want to try my hand at pulling the inline 6 out of the car so I can save as much money as possible. Is it easy to pull an engine out of the bay? I have an Autozone up the block so I'm sure I can easily go there to ask to rent out an engine lifter. and I also will have the help of 2 friends to try to tackle this job. Thanks in advance for any answers!
I had a two buddies help me out with mine, took no time at all. Just make sure EVERYTHING is disconnected >.>
Engine hoist AKA Cherry picker: A device used to test the tensile strength of Items you forgot to disconnect...Piece of cake...Have fun!!!
That engine that Jim Arnold is selling is a good buy. It was in his Sprint at the Gathering. If I was closer I'd buy it.