So I just wanted to get something figured out, what is the distinct difference(s) between a '72 Maverick Grabber and '72 Maverick Sedan? I ask because I while back the seller said the car I bought was a Grabber bought I noticed later that it had decals that probably was bought after a horrible paint job, the paint is so bad that if someone were to look up close it is clearly a paint job done with a brush w/o any primer! It also has no scoops or spoiler! I also wanted to know what is the biggest engine that could fit in the stock engine of any Mav.? This includes boring out the engine and adding performance parts to it (before and after the bore!) These aren't questions that are really important but they were bugging me for a while now that I just had to ask!
A grabber would have had grabber hood, sport lamps grill, sport mirrors, and the rear spoiler. Besides the paint scheme all other options could be ordered on either. A stock car could have bucket seats, floor shifter, AC, and any other option if ordered.
Your vin will have a 93 in it EG... 2x 93 t 123456 . As for the engine. Sky is the limit, with a bottomless budget you can put any engine you want in it.
What do you mean a "Grabber in the vin" like abbreviated or it actually saying Grabber! So far as I know it my car has an aftermarket floor shifter from Z&M, i dont know for sure but possibly the sport lamps, maybe the sport mirrors, no hood scoops, or spoiler, and split bucket seats. So basically there is no TRUE difference other than appearance?
my vin starts with 2K91F, i've checked off a different site and said that it meant it was a 2 door sedan from Kansas with a stock 302 in it but Im not entire sure on how true it is i have yet to figure if the engine is stock but there is nothing really sticking out that is telling me that it isnt I just cant find the numbers on the engine!
Just remember the faster you go the more money you will spend. Example: $1550 for titanium valve, $1400 Jesel rockers. It's real easy to spend 15k on an engine
ok so i have a reg. Mav, what are the lamps on the grill for then, they dont turn on for any turn signals nor do they have a switch?!
A common solution to getting more cubic engines is to install a stroker kit utilizing a new crank, connecting rods and pistons. Two common displacements when starting with a 302 are 331 and 347 cubic inches. Use the search feature to find out more detail. Serious mod are required to get a big block Ford to fit. You can also search 351's to see how some have done it. MD
Someone installed a Grabber grill (If the lenses are clear) If they are amber, the grill is from a 74 or later mav.
Do the lights in the grille turn on with headlights, they may just be bad is the wiring to them hooked up to anything, are the lenses clear or amber colored
On the pad on top of block, behind intake, every 302 from Jan 1 1968 is supposed to be stamped with a partial VIN that matches vehicle... New replacements won't have a number and may be removed on a rebuild... If number doesn't match then engine has mostly likely been swapped, though there are cases of engine being mis stamped... Usually in those cases number is reasonably close or one digit is missing or incorrect... Number on my orig 302...
To answer your question.. largest factory motor was a 302 2bbl regardless of trim packages or body style.. 2 or 4 door. A 302 Ford can easily be pushed to 347 cid with the hundreds of available kits and engine packages in the aftermarket. The more power you make.. the more the proverbial snowball will suck money out of your wallet to modify all the other drive train and chassis components to live under the new high power stresses.