Hey everybody. My grandpa passed away a couple years ago and left us with his 1970 Maverick that he's had since it was new. He had always kept really good care of it and had a lot of work in progress on the Maverick before he passed. My father is looking to complete his work but we are running into some issues. First hill to climb is finding a fuel sending unit for the car. Can anyone give me an idea of where to look for a fuel sending unit? Thanks for any help you guys. I'm from central KY and I thought I saw someone from Elizabethtown on here that had a large stockpile of Maverick parts but some how I could not find them after the initial time.
from a fellow 70 owner in Northeast Pennsylvania I don't have a fuel sending unit but I'm sure in a short amount of time someone on the forum will be able to help you out
Welcome to the forum. The add you saw from Elizabethtown is Ward Frahler WARDF here on the forum. Also check with Mean_maverick in Kentucky. There were repop sending units at Auto Krafters but when I spoke to them earlier this week he said it will be about 6 months before they have them again. The MCG Gathering will be in Somerset, KY July 13-16 you should check it out http://maverickcometgroup.com/Events.html
Do you have pics of the car? We love pictures ...... 1970 was a strange model year, as the 1970 was made for about 18 months, and it saw many changes from the early cars to the later cars. 1970 cars had 2 different size fuel tanks and used 2 different sending units. D0DZ-9275-C is the right one for the standard size tank. If you can't find a decent used one, new ones pop up on ebay from time to time. NOS Ford will run you around $100 or more. Also it is fairly easy to adapt one of the Mustang sending units, which are reproduced for under $30. Requires a little fitting to get the pickup set right in the tank sump and the float set in the right place but it will work and they can be bought from any Mustang parts house.
Welcome to the board. The Maverick Comet Group is having their annual Gathering in Somerset, Ky. this year. You're welcome to attend. For a complete itinerary go to this thread. http://maverickcometgroup.com/Events.html
Welcome from Oregon! And here is the KY post on those parts that you probably saw ~~ http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=78789