Howdy yall, My 77 has an existing Grant steering wheel. It was a cheaper one with some sort of fake leather covering foam. That fake leather has started flaking off in my hands so I bought a new one today to replace it. Luck would have it that the existing one uses a 5-bolt pattern to mount and the new one uses a 3-bolt (Challenger series). I discovered (with not much help from Grant...TERRIBLE documentation) that I will need to change installation kits. Does anyone know if I need a puller to remove the current installation kit and install a new one? Thanks!
I had to destroy a Grant installation kit once to get it off...but this was back in the early 70's when things were made a little bit better than the later years
I'm not a fan of the standard Grant horn. I've had issues with them and Darren said his car nearly caught in fire because of one.
You are forced to use a relay with the Grant adapter. The little speaker wire that comes on the adapter can't handle too many amps. Also use loc-tite on the 3 shoulder bolts holding the wheel to the adapter or the bolts will back out.
Good memory!! Yeh that tiny little wire got shorted in the spring. Threw the wheel in the garbage and got a factory wheel and wired the horn to a relay.
Somehow I never saw these posts until this morning...after I already installed the new kit and wheel! Grant has TERRIBLE documentation and I fought with the whole install for 3-4 hours. The horn mechanism on the challenger series is pretty crude at best. I'm disappointed so far in the quality of the grant kit. I may consider doing a relay setup so as to not overload the wires on the adapter...
I like the Challenger wheels (I have 2) and had hoped Grant or someone would come out with a better horn button for them. I had a Grant like this on my old Bronco. The horn button on this type is very nice. It's a self contained piece that snaps in.
Agreed, that one is very nice and easy. That's the series that was in my Maverick. The replacement in the challenger series is pretty bad. It works now but hopefully Grant will assist me in getting some replacement parts...