Now who do you think the 700th would be? Same last name as me? Must be someone that has a Mav,but then again with a name like Laskowski? Got Polish sausage?
Thats awesome Stefan, congrats! you run a great board that is very informative Keep up the good work! and "Thanks"
I started this Thread back in March to congratulate Stefan and this great board for having 700 members. Well, in the last few days, we went over 800. Lets keep up the good work!!
One thing I'm curious about is there are 234 names that have no posts and 94 that have only 1. Is this alot of wasted storage space? If your looking for more space, seems to me this is one place to start. Some might be people that just visit regularly but dont do any posting. I certainly welcome them and dont want them to be deleted but I'll bet most of them fall into a catagory that never come back. Can you tell how often a member logs in?
The user table takes less than 200k or about the size up two pictures, which is a small portion of the database.